Dreaming as an Expression of the Spiritual Psyche

Through the presentation of dreaming as an expression of the spiritual psyche, a felt sense of the spiritual psyche in clinical practice and in everyday life will emerge. Participants’ relationship to their own dream life will be catalyzed through reflective engagement and discussion. Dreaming — not ony at night but also in waking life — will be related to as a continuous mode of awareness and relationality that fosters vitality, imaginative interplay, and connection to our world and the cosmos.

Mostly Dead is Slightly Alive!

This six-week course offers an experiential way of learning about clinical issues pertaining to drug addiction in the context of psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy. The course, divided into six weekly topics, offers readings and materials associated to psychic aliveness, its risks and relation to isolation, omnipotence, embodiment and dissociation.

We will use music, poetry, film, and clinical case material to feel our way into each week’s topic, providing a more embodied experience than the usual didactic approach to this material.

Starting a Private Practice

For new therapists transitioning into private practice, this can be an exciting moment to carve out a space of one’s own. The last few years have shaken up many traditional ways of thinking, and the field of psychoanalysis seems to be shifting, grappling, and expanding with the changing tides.

Insights From Group Analysis

This course introduces ideas and concepts at the center of the Group Analytic (GA) approach. Developed by S.H. Foulkes, GA is an established model for group therapy used in many countries around the world that focuses on relationships and interactions between group members. It explores patterns of communication, roles, power dynamics, and the influence of social and collective factors on the individual.

Preventing School Shootings

In 2023 (until the end of September), at least 54 shootings took place in schools and universities, impacting surrounding communities. Deaths by school shootings account for a small percentage of gun deaths among youth to date, but the numbers have been increasing since 2017. Such events require more accurate risk assessment training to prevent future incidents. This workshop will identify and describe three psychological types of school shooters: traumatized, psychotic, and psychopathic. Each will be illustrated through a case history.

Working Relationally in Psychoanalytic Supervision

This course explores working relationally in psychodynamic supervision, a clinical supervision model based on relational psychoanalytic thinking. This model puts the supervisory relationship at the center of the process. Research from the psychoanalytic supervision literature, the counseling-psychology supervision literature, and the fields of psychotherapy, education, cognitive psychology, and neuroscience provide mounting evidence for the pedagogic effectiveness of affectively rich, experiential, relationship-focused modes of teaching like this approach.


This new column is a space for our members to share themselves with the community and for each of us to get to know our peers. Whether you're new to psychoanalysis or a seasoned clinician, we'd love to hear from you about your passion and interest in this work.

Individual and Group Therapy

This three-hour workshop will explore how combined individual and group therapy is an effective treatment approach for clients stuck in interpersonal patterns that limit their relationship satisfaction. Group + individual helps clients shift relational dynamics that are difficult to uncover and address through individual therapy alone. It also helps them understand their emotional reactions to others more deeply and work through their fears and anxieties related to intimacy in a safe environment.


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