Fri, Mar 1, 2024 to Fri, Apr 5, 2024
12:00 - 1:30 pm
CE Credits: 
Participant Limit: 

$158 General Public
$113 NCSPP Full Members
$90 NCSPP Associate Members
$68 NCSPP Student Members
$68 Scholarship Rate (must have prior approval)

Early Registration Deadline: 
February 16, 2024
Registration Notes: 

NCSPP offers online course registration and payment using PayPal, the Internet’s most trusted payment processor. All major credit cards, as well as checking account debit payments, are accepted.


Mostly Dead is Slightly Alive!
Surviving Drug Addiction with your Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Patients

Course Overview: 

This six-week course offers an experiential way of learning about clinical issues pertaining to drug addiction in the context of psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy. The course, divided into six weekly topics, offers readings and materials associated to psychic aliveness, its risks and relation to isolation, omnipotence, embodiment and dissociation.

We will use music, poetry, film, and clinical case material to feel our way into each week’s topic, providing a more embodied experience than the usual didactic approach to this material.

Commitment to Equity: 

NCSPP is aware that historically psychoanalysis has either excluded or pathologized groups outside of the dominant population in terms of age, race, ethnicity, nationality, language, gender, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, disability, and size. As an organization, we are committed to bringing awareness to matters of anti-oppression, inequity, inequality, diversity, and inclusion as they pertain to our educational offerings, our theoretical orientation, our community, and the broader world we all inhabit.

Presenters Response:

Substance use disorders occur broadly across many social, racial, and cultural groups. In this course we will elicit and attend to cultural and linguistic contexts of addiction in the case material, in the formulations we construct, and in considering the treatment settings and personal experiences of the clinicians participating in the course.


Michael Wachter, M.D., is a psychiatrist in private practice in San Francisco. He is interested in the use of Narrative Medicine in psychotherapy to enhance embodiment in the clinical setting. Dr. Wachter has taught about addiction in psychoanalytic psychotherapy from this perspective and is board certified in Addiction Medicine.

Target Audience & Level: 

This course is for licensed clinicians with moderate to extensive experience in clinical work, including familiarity with case conference and handling of confidential clinical material. Interest, but no formal training, in addiction treatment is required, We will use clinical material provided by the students or instructor to collaboratively generate psychoanalytic case formulation. Study materials will include psychoanalytic papers, as well as other media of film, music, and poetry.

Cancellation & Refund Policies: 

Enrollees who cancel at least SEVEN DAYS prior to the event date will receive a refund minus a $35 administrative charge. No refunds will be allowed after this time.  Transfer of registrations are not allowed.

Contact Information: 

For program related questions contact Jasmine Khor at

For questions related to enrollment, locations, CE credit, special needs, course availability and other administrative issues contact Michele McGuinness by email or 415-496-9949.


Education Committee

The Education Committee is responsible for the development of a variety of courses and workshops given throughout the year in San Francisco and the East Bay.

Natasha Oxenburgh, MA, Chair
Mara Gerson, MA
Elana Guy, Psy.D.