Psychoanalysis in the News

by Molly Merson, MFT

How Suspiria Turned Tilda Swinton Into an 82-Year-Old Man. Tilda Swinton plays with gender, loss, and lack with a psychoanalytic take in the upcoming Suspiria remake.

Using Psychoanalysis to Understand #MeToo Memories. This piece describes how past sexual assault trauma can be felt and known through nachträglichkeit, Freud’s way of describing how a present-day trauma can create an as-yet-unfelt trauma out of a past event.

Analyse This: What Freud Can Teach Us About Trumpism. For many clinicians, the election of Trump erased any remaining illusion that we are in separate worlds from our patients and that the personal is set apart from the political. If political collapse is imminent, says the author, at least there are therapists to help our communities grieve and embrace the loss of a dream.